Monday, December 6, 2010

Spirulina Mustaches!

My kids get so excited when it's time to take their vitamins. They squeal with delight when they see the dark green liquid in their cups. And I squeal with delight that they are delighted! So what's inside this concoction causing all this joy? SPIRULINA! (And a little probiotic powder for good measure.) If you don't know about this little algae than you have been missing out! Spirulina is high in protein, at 60% protein it is the highest of any vegetable. It contains the eight essential amino acids, and 10 of the 12 non-essential amino acids. It is important to note that amino acids cannot be created by the body, but have to come from our diet, and they are the building blocks of protein. Spirulina is a wholefood that beats synthetic vitamins hands down. It contains 9 important vitamins and 14 minerals. It’s high in calcium and iron, magnesium and potassium and is an excellent source of B12. Spirulina is also a good source of the essential fatty acid GLA. GLA when made in a mother's milk is what helps develop healthy babies. Spirulina is the only other wholefood containing GLA. Also, the chlorophyll in spirulina cleanses and it's alkaline properties help rid the body of acid waste.
Spirulina is also high in beta-carotene, an important antioxidant that lowers the risk of cancer. It has about 14 times more beta-carotene than carrots. If you can find another affective way to fit 14 carrots into a cup, I'd sure like to know! The list of benefits of spirulina goes on and on. Spirulina is a superstar. It's the superhero of wholefoods. It's an immune system builder, cancer defender, energy creator, detoxifying machine!

But who cares how great it is if you can't get your kids (or yourself) to swallow it! Well, have no fear! Spirulina doesn't have that dirty sock taste at all! I fill their cups with half water and half apple juice. I always water down their juice, though, even for my 5 year old. I typically give them 80% water to 20% juice, so if your child is used to the full strength taste, I'd stick with that. Then I add some powdered spirulina, powdered probiotic, and a lid to prevent a green disaster on their clothes. Then the celebration begins! And, no, I'm not being dramatic, I am having a mental party at the thought of all the nutrition taking over their little bodies!

My 4 boys are a little over a year apart so I would get pregnant with my next boy while I was still nursing the previous boy. Spirulina became my friend. I would drink it myself and when my milk would fall short I would put it in a bottle for the baby. Spirulina has also become such a peace of mind to me! On the days I wasn't able to get the healthy foods in my kids I was sure to get them their green spirulina machine! This wholefood superhero saves the day again!

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